الأربعاء، 19 أبريل 2017

Fast diet tips 2017 and weight loss

No doubt all of us dreamed of slimmer and healthier without pain, but causes many things not to enable people to achieve their goals by getting rid of several extra kilos around the abdomen or groin, including lifestyle lacks movement or eating food full of calories once for long periods this course one of the main causes of weight gain.
There are four illusions about losing weight, many believed it and did not lead to condos to enjoy consistent athlete body lithe aims of:

1/ Illusion I should exercise before eating any food that helps  burn more fat, and you may be sure that this bad habit and inefficient so you avoid them because they already are counterproductive and increases weight.
2/  Illusion II walked or ran a mile quickly leads to loss of the same number of calories, and it is true that ran one mile helps burn 30% more thermal units from walking to jogging is more effective at burning fat than walking.
3/  Illusion III walking for an hour a day is good exercise and enough, and in fact that's very healthy and reduce the severity of depression and stir the blood, but if the target weight loss speed must be increased gradually until doesn't get used to the body to a certain style of walking.
4/ Fourth illusion that fat into muscle, and the truth is that both of them is quite different in its composition from the other cellular, therefore you have to realize that fat is harmful to the body while muscles help  move and give the body strength.

The first tip should mention it in our sport, especially at the beginning of the day on an empty stomach before eating anything.
This way you only 10 minutes to make a difference amazing and burn stored energy is burning fat , but remember the first point that we have mentioned earlier that the sport immediately before eating useless it recommends exercise and then taking a refreshing bath and after an hour or two is the morning breakfast.

As for the second is advice about not eating any foods late at night and not another meal with sunset.
So that this bad habit that will store body fat dramatically what can frustrate any attempt for the success of any diet.
If any foods avoided eating light even before the three hours sleep you can also admire the results and will burn large amounts of fat without moving from your place.
The third and most important advice is to leave the wheat and everything is made of wheat and rice took instead there is a common misconception among people that rice is responsible for weight gain and this is unfortunately not true.
 Tip 4: there is something magical could come down weight in days or weeks and better landing weight in a slow way to avoid sagging skin and also avoid white lines that may appear when losing weight.
 Again remember the equation that satisfy the dreams of athletic and agile.
Sport to burn the fat and get rid of it
Food to keep out excess calories turn into fat.


weight loss

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation.

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