الأربعاء، 12 أبريل 2017

Get rid of belly and belly fat in 6 steps!

Abdominal fat problem facing many people overweight, and even have an ideal weight they want to get a flat belly and catchy, but face many obstacles, and in this article we will discuss about the most effective way to get rid of belly fat, but before you start the steps let us know more about belly fat.

The truth about belly fat
There are two types of fat type see type you don't see! Kind that we see: beneath the skin in several areas (such as the buttocks, thighs, abdomen) type who can't see: around the vital organs (heart, lungs, digestive tract, liver) and located in the abdomen and pelvis and is called "visceral fat" these fats protect these vital organs.

Most people are familiar with the first type that we see and they don't know the existence of another kind which may represent cryptic and dangerous if the accumulation, where he found that increased visceral fat increase the probability of hypertension, diabetes, heart disease and some cancers (breast cancer and colon cancer).

How to increase the accumulation of abdominal fat?

When you increase the weight of the person significantly does not find another place to store body fat begins to store about the vital organs in the body fat cytoplasmic.
 For those who don't are overweightSport. If the person on the ideal weight through improved diet and exercise not only is likely to increase the proportion of visceral fat is unhealthy, and also plays a large part in the genetic factor increases the likelihood of visceral fat storage.

Do you suffer from the problem of abdominal fat?

To know that you should measure your waist properly by following these steps:

Use a measuring tape, and never above my pelvic bone and wrap the tape through the navel. The tape must be parallel to the ground. The tape must not be too tight. Don't hold your breath during the measurement. If your waist (more than 102 for men and 88 women) you are more likely to develop health problems.
 Steps to get rid of belly fat

1. Choosing the correct body posture: standing right are as follows:
Align the ear with the shoulders, shoulders with tub, sink with knee, knee with heels. Make your shoulders open (like hanging the strap shirt clothing). Tighten your abdominal muscles (pulling your navel back). Make your weight evenly distributed on the feet. Take this position to get a consistent and improved belly of your energy level.

2.Exercise for the whole body:

Many have a misconception that the best way to strengthen abdominal muscles are stretching and doing abdominal exercises, but really it's only six-party muscle strengthening (first layer in your abdominal muscles) and do not practice the rest of deep muscle, but you must exercise the abdominal muscles with the back and buttocks and legs to get an excellent result and below are some effective exercises to strengthen the abdominal muscles :


You can use the hand with the knee at first if you are having difficulty in performing the exercise must be hands (or elbow) parallel to the shoulders, and keep back straight and abdominal muscles and lift the stern, and stay on this 10 seconds mode with deep breathing.

Exercise the lower legs (leg lowers):

Lie down and place your hands along your body and lift your feet off the ground so that the knee 90 degrees and hip 90 degrees, slowly lower your leg to the ground sustaining knee position (90 degrees) and then lift it again.

 (roll up):

Lie on your back and your legs lying straightening, and extend your arms behind your head to the utmost, and then breathe and move your arms towards the ceiling and then get up in your body (keep your arms and stretch your legs and don't discourage) and halfway out exhale and then complete even touching your toes, breathe and start in reverse motion, remove exhale halfway and then return to the original position.

leg raising :

Lie on your back K stretch your legs straight, place both hands under the back (this is the starting position) breathe and lift both your legs to make a right angle with the rest of the body, breath out and put your legs slowly until you reach a height of 10 cm from the ground. Making exercise 10 times.

Exercise raise the pelvis (hip lift):

He lay on the ground, place your hands slowly he lines up and put your feet on the ground where the knee 90 degrees, breathe and then tighten your ABS (pulling your navel) get inspiration while lifting the pelvis off the ground a few centimetres, breathe the last and put the sink slowly, and repeat the exercise 10 times.

Abdominal exercises-reverse (reverse crunches):

Start by lying down on the floor and your arms along your body and your feet on the ground so that the knee 90 degrees, wield your ABS and lift your legs and their proximity to your chest while you exhale, inhale and slowly lower your feet when even touch the floor.

 Beside these exercises, be sure to exercise aerobic exercises like jogging, swimming, cycling, tennis, where are the best types of exercise to lose weight and get rid of belly fat.

-Appropriate diet to get rid of belly fat


The most important meal of the day and you shouldn't skip breakfast if you're trying to lose weight and get rid of belly fat, studies have shown that eating breakfast within an hour of waking maintains the fixed rates of the hormone insulin and reduces cholesterol rate. Be sure to eat foods that contain whole grains for example replace white rice with brown rice and eating baked beans containing whole wheat and popcorn (a whole grain) and fiber (found in vegetables and fruit) and may have had before months foods that help burn fat and get rid of belly fat.
 Keep eating large amounts of water during the day to improve metabolism and detoxification make sure sufficient intake of vitamin C and vs increases in cortisol that occurs when the body is under great stress, and is also necessary to configure the carnitine burns fat for energy, so stick with eating oranges, lemons, limes, green peppers and Kiwi.
 Drinks to burn belly fat:

Green tea is one of the most effective fat burning drinks especially belly fat so that it contains a substance  (catechins) cranberry juice, milk and dairy products helps to burn fat because it contains large amounts of calcium beware of soft drinks that contain large amounts of sugars and replace it with lemon flavoured water. Stay away from fast foods containing very high calories and a large amount of fat. Studies have shown that trans fats produced from non-fat hydrogenation full working on redistribution of body fat and its orientation towards the abdomen and there was this kind of fat in cakes and pastries and sweets and fried foods and margarine. Replace previous fats good fats found in nuts and soybeans and other beans and chocolate.

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2 التعليقات:

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