الأربعاء، 5 أبريل 2017

Simply what stomach surgery to reduce weight?

It is known that obesity has become a global pandemic in recent years, especially in rich countries, which enjoy quality of life. Obesity or diseases, as they have proved all the studies, the main reason for most serious diseases.
Also known to treat obesity by diet in most cases fail for several reasons, the most important difficulty adhering to the teachings of the nutritional plan for obesity, as well as slow in reaching the desired weight. The main reasons for failure is the weight back to normal quickly after you stop dieting. So what is the solution? Some might think that the ideal solution to put them is surgery, so let us offer you some simple information about Obesity surgery now.

What is Bariatric Surgery?

The solution is to overcome the reason most of the causes of obesity. It is known that there are many factors and tangled for obesity, but the main reason is the amount of calories that we eat that comes from the quantity and quality of the food we eat every day, or rather which enters the stomach. From here the doctor's thought to end food quantities covered by people with obesity.
Surgeons devised a set of gastric surgery to treat obesity and Bariatric surgery are known.
In the last century, for example, the balloon idea found within the stomach, so that a large part of the stomach and keeps a small portion of food, but this process many complications arose.
Then other scientists invented a gastric banding operation), and held hundreds of people with obesity, but this process also caused many complications, including:
The probability is great for sliding the Garter around the stomach to keep a small faux small meal.
Raise your risk of ulcers in the stomach wall.
Raise your risk of gastroesophageal reflux problem

According to recent studies now that very few surgeons, gastric banding process still running.
Today, most surgeons in the world are choosing stomach narcotization  process (Sleeve). Or process food diversion (Bypass).
Gastric narcotization  process means that the surgeon removes most of the stomach and stay high like the sleeve part that keeps the stomach part banana fruit size. The process is done through a telescope, so the patient can leave the hospital the day after the operation.
The diversion of food (Bypass), it is the scope too, but the surgeon does not cut any part of the stomach, but he turns the tide of food so that it connects the end of the esophagus to the small intestine beyond the stomach.

Stages and procedures before surgery.

Ideally for silencing process or process of diversion of food the patient cannot walk into a clinic and requested a process!
There are many fundamental steps have to be made, if the patient's health status proved to require surgery. Most of these steps are:
To bring the patient a week with a group of wishing to operate an educational meeting and listen to explain many details about the operation.
Meeting in the presence of a team that will be responsible for the patient before and after operation: surgeon, psychiatrist and internal medicine specialist and dietitian, and each of these specialists explain to patients what they should know about the process.
These patients can ask and may seek about what goes on in place of questions. So fully conscious patient what he's up to many changes in style and his lifestyle and his diet.

Difficulties after surgery?

The biggest challenges that await the patient after the operation's diet changes, which usually depends on:

NET fluid in the first week.

Progressive change in the menu so that the patient can move into some regular foods after a three- months up.

Patient needs some vitamins and minerals during the first six months or a little more. Like iron, vitamin d and vitamin b-12 and other medications that would provide them upon leaving the process.

When the weight of the patient to the appropriate weight some sagging skin will appear.

The details of these operations very much but , you dear reader, became familiar with the most important with regard to these operations. Think carefully and consult your doctor in case you are looking for such solutions to your problem.



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